
Large-sized Equipment Packaging AwardWater-Resistant PalletIZAK Co., Ltd.Large-sized Equipment Packaging AwardImproved Packaging for Diamond-Shaped SofasTANAX.INCLarge-sized Equipment Packaging AwardReliable Strength Is Secured by Hiple-ACE with American LockOji Interpack Co., Ltd.★部門賞大型・重量物包装部門賞『耐水パレット』㈱アイザック段ボールでありながら耐水性を持つパレット。急な雨や冷蔵庫の出し入れによる結露の強度劣化条件下で充分な強度を持つパレット(青果市場で半年間の実地実証)。水濡れ環境でも十分な強度があり、最大荷重は1100サイズで7t(常温・屋内)以上また、1時間程度の降雨または、3時間程度の加湿85%環境でも6t(社内試験)を超えて十分な強度を持つ。段ボールの素材で付属との貼り合わせが容易で、仕向け地のリサイクル活動も容易に対応できる。パレット桁は段ボール組み立て形状で軽量化(3.2kg)を図った。大型・重量物包装部門賞『菱形形状をしたソファーの梱包改善』㈱TANAX従来、大型で菱形の内容品を梱包する為に、大判の段ボールシートを手加工で切り貼りして梱包していた。内容品が菱形である為、通常の四角い箱では大きくなり無駄な空間も発生する。然しながら、トムソン抜きの梱包箱では展開サイズも大きく、また小ロット商品の為、資材コストが合わない状況であった。そこで0201形の箱のフラップに斜めの折り罫を加える事で、内容品に合った菱形の箱が形成される事に着目。これにより、2人で15分以上かかっていた作業が1人で5分ほどでできるなど、このシンプルなアイデアは大幅な時間短縮が図れ、効率改善されただけでなく、荷姿の良さや材料費のコストダウンにも繋がる結果となった。大型・重量物包装部門賞『強度も安心なアメリカンロックでハイプル化』王子インターパック㈱緩衝材に発泡スチロールを使用していたが、段ボールパレットに変更することにより発泡が不要になった。これにより受け材の金型費用と産業廃棄物の削減につながった。また、従来の半A式仕様では、反発によりフラップ部が開き気味になり多段数積み上げた時に荷崩れを起こす危険性があったがアメリカンロック式に変更することによりフラップの開きを抑制し多段積みを可能にした。またワンタッチで組み立てることが可能になった。(作業時間、ステープル削減)44This is a water-resistant pallet, despite in being made of cardboard. Even conditions where strength typically deteriorates by condensation, such as during sudden rain or when moved in and out of refrigeration, it maintains sufficient durability, as demonstrated by a six-month field test at a fruit and vegetable market. It remains strong even in wet environments. The 1100-sized pallet has a maximum load capacity of over 7 tons at room temperature indoors, and over 6 tons even after approximately 1 hour of rain or around 3 hours of 85% humidity in in-house testing. The cardboard is easy to attach additional materials to, making it the convenient the pallet’s destination. Additionally, cardboard-made, assemblable feet reduce the overall weight to 3.2 kg.recycling for Previously, large cardboard sheets were cut and pasted by hand to pack diamond-shaped items, as regular square boxes were too large, resulting in wasted space. However, the unfolded cardboard created by die cutting was also too large, and since the packaging was targeting small-lot products, material costs were too high. Therefore, we developed the 0201-type box by adding diagonal score lines to the flaps and created a diamond-shaped box that perfectly fit the contents. This that previously took more than 15 minutes with two people to be completed in just five minutes by one person. This simple idea not only significantly reduces time and improves efficiency but also enhances the packaging’s appearance and lowers material costs.innovation allowed a The conventional polystyrene foam used as a cushioning material has been replaced with pallets, reducing costs associated with making molds for cushioning and minimizing industrial waste. Additionally, the previous 0200 box posed a risk of the flap opening due to rebound, potentially causing the load to collapse when stacked in multiple layers. However, by switching to a bottom-lock (American Lock) design, this risk is minimized, allowing for more stable stacking. The box can now also be assembled in a one-step process, reducing both work time and the need for staples. cardboard at task Good Packaging

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