Industrial Packaging AwardImproved Engine Oil Sensor Packaging “From Assembled Partition to Mountain Fold Pad”TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATIONToyota Corrugated Packaging Industry Co.Industrial Packaging AwardLess Material and Space-Saving PackagingDENSO AIRCOOL CORPORATIONIndustrial Packaging AwardNewly Shaped Protective Cap for StepladdersTANAX.INCHasegawa Kogyo Co., Ltd★部門賞工業包装部門賞『エンジンオイルセンサーの梱包改善 「組仕切から山折りPADへ」』トヨタ自動車㈱豊田段ボール工業㈱自動車業界では、物流容器としてリターナブルBoxに段ボール製仕切などの資材を投入して製品を収納し、海外輸送を行う方式が多く採用されている。Box内の資材はワンウェイ容器として、製品の破損を防いで効率的に輸送する目的で使用される。一方で、従来発想の仕切形状では、製品同士の接触防止効果が高い反面、異形形状の製品に対しては収容効率などに課題があった。そこで、「山折りPAD」を開発することで、課題を解決。材料使用量74%削減、組立工数75%削減、輸送効率100%UPを実現した。工業包装部門賞『少材料・省スペースな包装』㈱デンソーエアクール小型・軽量で持ち運び可能な小型冷凍機“D-mobico”の開発にあたり、新規で包装材を検討した。重量も軽く流通経路もシンプルのため材用使用量、作業性、品質を確保できる包装材を作成した。1.折込み構造による上パッドに製品上部の緩衝と同梱品保管を両立するパッド。2.上パッドは保管・輸送時には平板形状での保管が可能。組立時と比較すると体積約90%低減。3.下パッドは従来であれば積層材を使用する構造に枠を採用することで、最小限の部材で作成材料60%低減。工業包装部門賞『新形状の脚立用 保護キャップ』㈱TANAX長谷川工業㈱従来の保護キャップは単純な四角形状であった為、キャップをセットした時の安定の悪さや突起部分の突き破りによる輸送事故、そして後からPE袋を被せる際の引っ掛かりによる袋の破れなど、幾つかの課題を抱えていた。そこで四角であったキャップの形状を山型に変更し、稜線部も二重罫線を施し角を取り、引っかかりを無くすことでPE袋の破れを防いでいる。更に天面も折り返し補強を加えると同時に、キャップを3点で支える事で安定感を増し、テーパー状の梱包物に沿う形状へと見直した。これにより、袋入れが容易になり、梱包物とのフィット感の向上と折り返しによる保護性を強化した事で、輸送事故の削減と作業性の改善が図れている。40In the automotive industry, products are typically contained in returnable boxes with components such as cardboard partitions, and this packaging is used as a for overseas transport. The one-way-use components inside the boxes prevent product damage and ensure efficient transport. However, while the conventional partition design is highly effective at preventing contact between products, it poses challenges with storage efficiency for irregularly shaped products. This issue has been resolved by developing the “Mountain Fold PAD,” which enables a 74% reduction in material usage, a 75% reduction in assembly labor, and a 100% increase in transport efficiency.logistics container In the development of ‘‘D-mobico,’’ a lightweight, and portable compact, small-size freezer, we focused on creating new packaging that ensures efficient material usage, workability, and quality, considering its light weight and simple distribution route.1.The upper pad features a folded structure that both cushions the top of the product and stores accessories.2.The upper pad can be stored flat during storage and transport, reducing volume 90% compared to when it is assembled.3.The framed structure, replacing conventional layered materials, which minimizes material usage and reduces material volume by approximately lower pad uses a Previously, the protective cap had a simple rectangular shape, which led to several issues, such as poor stability when the cap was set in place, transport accidents caused by breakage of protruding parts, and damage to the PE bag to cover the product when it snagged on the sharp edges. To address these problems, the cap’s shape has been changed from rectangular to a pyramidal shape, with double score lines added to the top edges to eliminate sharp corners and prevent damage to the PE bag. Additionally, the top surface has been reinforced with a folded-back design, and the cap is now supported at three points to improve stability, allowing it to better fit tapered contents. This redesign makes it easier to insert the entire product into the bag. As a result, transport accidents have been reduced, and workability has been enhanced due to the improved fit and reinforced protection provided by the folded-back design.Good Packaging
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