Transport Packaging AwardReducing Box Bulging to Decrease Environmental Impact Eco-Friendly Packaging for EarthTOMOKU CO., LTD.Transport Packaging AwardBee Star 1000API Co., Ltd.Oji Packaging Co., Ltd.Oji Industrial Materials Management Co., Ltd.Electric Equipment Packaging AwardImproving Packaging for Solar PanelsAilop Corp.輸送包装部門賞『胴膨れを抑えて環境負荷低減!地球に優しい包装箱』㈱トーモク資材費削減、環境負荷低減などは箱の仕様を見直すことで実現できるが、その分パレット保管時、箱にかかる負荷が大きくなり表面が太鼓状に張り出す「胴膨れ」が発生する。当該品はボトルに荷重を分担させることを前提とし主けい線と多重けい線を規則的に配置した構造である。同様の効果を発揮する仕様は各社存在しているが歪量の吸収が高い分、箱の強度低下やケーサー適正が損なわれるといった課題があった。当該品は歪の吸収量は一定的ではあるものの箱の強度を損なわずに製函適性を維持できる点が最大の特徴である。胴膨れしやすい開封陳列用のミシン刃加工をしても既存と同等の外観を保持できる環境負荷の少ない包装箱を開発することができた。輸送包装部門賞『Beeスター1000』アピ㈱王子パッケージング㈱王子産業資材マネジメント㈱耐水段ボール製養蜂箱。ミツバチ約1000匹とエサを封入し輸送、開封する事でそのまま養蜂箱として使用できる。養蜂箱として一般的な木箱と比較し輸送コストを抑え、使用後の廃棄も容易である。ミツバチの出入りはスリーブを上下に動かすことで操作。また、外部の光が中に入らない構造など、ミツバチの習性を考慮した設計を行った。グラフィックデザインは蜂の巣を抽象化したパターンをフレキソ印刷で表現した。電気・機器包装部門賞『ソーラーパネルの梱包改善』アイロップ㈱本製品はデザイン性が特徴であり、従来のソーラーパネルに比べると形状が複雑なため、製品1枚毎をエアー緩衝材にて養生し、パレットに平積みで出荷していた。梱包作業に時間を要しており、自動化ラインの導入を進めたいが従来仕様は適用不可であり、またパネル割れのリスクもあったため、梱包改善に着手した。改善仕様では製品2枚を嵌合しPPバンド掛け(厚みの最小化)+小箱に縦置きとすることで自動化ラインへの適応とパネル割れ発生ゼロを達成。また小箱の前面は開封可能であり、製品を上にあげることなく作業ができるため、施工現場での負担も低減できた。それらに加えて輸送効率も3.7%向上し、輸送コストも削減することができた。37By reviewing box specifications, we can reduce material costs and environmental impact; however, the load on the box increases during pallet storage, causing the sides to bulge out like a drum. This packaging regularly arranged main and multiple score lines that enable the bottles to bear the load effectively. While other companies have packaging specifications that offer similar benefits, they often face issues that higher strain absorption results in decreased box strength and poor suitability for casers. The most significant feature of our packaging is that it maintains both the strength of the box and its compatibility with carton formers, even while achieving a certain level of load absorption. We have successfully developed the packaging with a low environmental impact that retains the same appearance as existing packaging, even with the addition of perforations for openings, which typically lead to bulging.features a structure with This is a beehive made of waterproof cardboard. It can enclose and transport approximately 1,000 bees along with their feed, and once opened, it can be used as a beehive without any additional reduces setup. transportation costs compared to traditional wooden beehive boxes and is easy to dispose of after use. The entry and exit of bees is controlled by moving the sleeve up and down. The design also considers the habits of bees, including a structure that prevents outside light from entering the box. The graphic design using flexo printing features an abstract pattern of a beehive.This design Due to its unique design and more complex shape compared to conventional models, this solar panel initially had to be individually cured with air cushioning and shipped flat on pallets, making the packaging process time-consuming. Although automating the process was desired, it was not feasible. Additionally, there was a risk of the panels cracking, prompting the need for packaging improvements. To address this, we have developed a method where two panels are secured and tied together with PP bands to minimize thickness, then placed vertically in a small box. This solution made the packaging compatible with the automated line and reduced the risk of cracking. The front of the small box can also be opened, allowing the panels to be handled without lifting, the installation site. Furthermore, transport efficiency improved by 3.7%, leading to a reduction in transportation costs.the workload at reducing
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