
輸送包装部門賞『液晶機器及び付属品集合包装』田中紙業㈱・サイズの異なる2つの製品を、1種の梱包材のみで製品の固定・輸送を可能にした。・梱包材の組立も容易であり、且つ製品梱包作業においても、製品を差し込み・配置する作業だけで完結でき、梱包材ならびに梱包作業のコストにおいても大きく抑えることができた。輸送包装部門賞『耐油・耐水・緩衝性!焼き芋の蜜が漏れない片段トレー』㈱トーモクカルビーかいつかスイートポテト㈱本品は箱売り用焼き芋のプラスチックトレーを改良し蜜漏れを防止した作品です。当初はグラシン紙で焼き芋を包んでいたが輸送中に蜜漏れが発生した為、プラスチックトレーに変更。しかし輸送中にトレーが破損する事案が発生し、怪我や誤飲の恐れと環境配慮の点から新たなトレーの開発が求められる。本品は緩衝性と柔軟性に優れた片面段ボールを使用。表面にチョコグラシンを使用する事で耐水性・耐油性に優れたトレーになります。またトレーの角に繋ぎを付ける事で隙間を無くし、蜜漏れを防止。セット方法も容易で、配送箱の蓋を開き本品を乗せ、手で押し込むと箱に沿った形でトレーが組みあがるので片手でもセット可能です。輸送包装部門賞『リユース輸送箱の改善』㈱ユーパック本製品は、嵌合機能を利用し平形状から箱形状にすることで、箱として持ち運びができ、組立・展開の作業性も良く、また、平形状にすることにより、小スペースでの保管やリユース時の輸送効率(積載効率)向上及び、トラック輸送削減(CO2排出量削減)を実現したものである。35This improved tray for boxed baked sweet potatoes is designed to prevent caramelized sugar leakage and replace plastic trays. Traditionally, baked sweet potatoes were wrapped in glassine paper, but syrup leakage during transportation led to the adoption of plastic trays. However, the plastic trays were prone to damage during transport, which could cause injury or accidental ingestion. As a result, a new, environmentally friendly tray was needed. The newly developed tray is made from single-faced corrugated fiberboard, which provides excellent cushioning and flexibility. By applying chocolate-colored glassine paper to the surface, the tray becomes highly resistant to both water and oil. Additionally, joints are incorporated at the corners of the tray to eliminate gaps and prevent syrup leakage. The tray is easy to assemble; simply open the delivery box, place the tray inside, and push down by hand. The tray will automatically take shape and fit into the box, allowing it to be set up with just one hand.This packaging can be transformed from a flat shape to a box shape with an interlocking function, allowing it to be easily carried as a box and making and assembly simple. its flat shape enables Additionally, improves compact transportation (loading efficiency) when reused, and reduces truck transportation, thereby lowering CO2 emissions.unfolding storage, efficiency Transport Packaging AwardAssembly Packaging for LCD Devices and AccessoriesTANAKA PAPER INDUSTRY CO., LTD・This innovative packaging solution is designed to fix and securely transport two products of different sizes in a single package.・The packaging offers easy assembly, with contents fixed securely in place by simple insertion and positioning.The overall costs for both materials and packaging processes have been significantly reduced.Transport Packaging AwardOil Resistance・Water Resistance・and Cushioning! Fragment TrayWhere the Honey of Baked Sweet Potatoes Does Not LeakTOMOKU CO., LTD.Calbee Kaitsuka Sweet Potato, inc.Transport Packaging AwardImproving Reusable Shipping BoxesU-PACK Corporation

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