
Technical Packaging AwardEasy and Environmentally Friendly Packaging for Housing Sash “Eco-Raku Pack”LIXIL CorpAppropriate Packing AwardUseful and Smart♪ Slim Package for Lunch Box DishesAJINOMOTO FROZEN FOODS CO., INCAppropriate Packing Award185g Lightest SOT Can for Retort CoffeeCoca-Cola Japan Company Ltd.Toyo Seikan Co., Ltdテクニカル包装賞『かんたん梱包で環境にやさしい 住宅用サッシ エコ楽パック』㈱LIXIL『現在、住宅業界は人材不足に陥っている。でも環境配慮もしたい。だからこそ、携わる人にはエコで楽に働いてもらいたい!』という思いがある。そこで、品質向上、梱包・開梱作業の効率化、脱プラスチックを目標に、エコ楽パックを開発した。エコ楽パックとは、段ボール組式パッドで、パッドの形状に沿ってそのまま製品をセットすることで梱包できる。従来の個装では、輸送中や荷扱いの衝撃によりヘコミが発生する場合があったが、エコ楽パックを使用することで、製品と段ボールの間に空間を持たせ、外部からの衝撃を吸収させ品質向上を実現。また梱包・開梱作業の時間を75%削減、さらにプラスチックごみを50%削減させることに成功した。適正包装賞『使いやすくスマートに♪弁当おかず スリムパッケージ』味の素冷凍食品㈱お弁当作りをより簡単に、楽しくスマートにして、プラスチックも削減できる、お弁当作りの新スタンダードパッケージを開発した。このパッケージの特徴は以下4点。①冷凍庫のスキマに「しゅっ」と保管可能。②自然解凍だからお弁当箱へ箸もお皿も使わず直接「ぽんっ」と盛り付け。③ごみは小さく丸めて「ぽいっ」と廃棄。当社従来品比で、廃棄プラスチック量を約72%削減。④輸送段ボールのまま陳列が出来るので、流通現場の手間も軽減。適正包装賞『185g レトルト用世界最軽量缶』日本コカ・コーラ㈱東洋製罐㈱コカ・コーラシステムでは「廃棄物ゼロ社会」の実現に向けて資材使用量削減に取り組んでいます。185gレトルト缶の「世界最軽量缶(弊社調べ)」を導入し1缶当たり13%の資材使用量削減とそれに伴ったCO2排出量の削減に大きく貢献します。東洋製罐社が開発した缶底耐圧強度向上技術(CBR:Compression Bottom Reform)を採用して薄いアルミ材でも従来同等の耐内圧性能を可能にしました。缶胴部薄肉化による凹みや座屈対策などの難課題も克服し、従来通りの品質や容器性能を維持したまま環境対応も両立した「最も環境負荷の低いコーヒー缶」を目指します。本年関東圏での販売を開始します。9Our belief is that “The housing industry is currently facing a labor shortage. At the same time, we want to be environmentally conscious. That’s why we aim for everyone involved to work in an eco-friendly and comfortable environment!” Based on this idea, we have developed the Eco-Raku Pack with the goals of improving quality, making packing and unpacking more efficient, and eliminating plastic. The Eco-Raku Pack consists of assemblable cardboard pads that allow products to be packaged by aligning them directly with the shape of the pad. Conventional packaging often causes dents due to shocks during transportation and handling. However, with the Eco-Raku Pack, a space is created between the product and the carton, which absorbs external shocks and improves protection. It has also successfully reduced packing and unpacking time by 75% and cut plastic waste by 50%.We have developed a new standard package for bento lunches that makes preparing bento easier, more enjoyable, smarter, and reduces plastic use. This package has the following four features: 1) It can be easily stored in small gaps in the freezer. 2) It defrosts naturally and can be quickly placed directly in a bento box without the need for chopsticks or plates. 3) The waste can be compactly rolled up and disposed of easily. The amount of plastic waste is reduced by approximately 72% compared to our previous product. 4) These products can be displayed in their shipping carton, reducing the workload at distribution sites.The Coca-Cola System is working to reduce material usage in pursuit of a “zero waste society.” We have introduced the world’s lightest 185g retort can (based on our own research), achieving a 13% reduction in material usage per can and significantly reducing CO2 emissions. This can features Compression Bottom Reform (CBR) technology, developed by Toyo Seikan Co., Ltd., which maintains the same internal pressure resistance as conventional cans, despite the thinner aluminum. We also addressed challenges like denting and buckling caused by the thinner body, aiming to create “the lowest environmental impact coffee can,” which is both environmentally friendly and maintains the same quality and container performance as before. Sales will begin this year in the Kanto region.

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