Statistics on the Scale of Japanese Packaging Industry in 2023
* including estimation value By Japan Packaging Institute
- Value -
A) Shipment value of packaging materials and containers ¥ 6,160 bil. (yen) Previous year: ¥ 6,077 bil. (yen) Ratio to the previous year: 101.4 % B) Production value of packaging machinery ¥ 509 bil. (yen) Previous year: ¥ 489 bil. (yen) Ratio to the previous year: 104.1 % Total ( A + B ) ¥ 6,668 bil. (yen) Previous year: ¥ 6,566 bil. (yen) Ratio to the previous year: 101.6 % - Volume -
A) Shipment volume of packaging materials and containers 18.10 mil. ton Previous year: 19.21 mil. ton Ratio to the previous year: 94.2 % B) Production number of packaging machinery 265,510 Previous year: 271,105 Ratio to the previous year: 97.9 % Table 1 The scale of Japanese packaging industry, 2019 - 2023
* unit: billion yen * including estimation value in 2023 Table 2 A rate in scale of the Japanese packaging industry to the nominal GDP.
* unit: billion yen * including estimation value in 2023 Table 3 Share of packaging materials in shipment value & volume in 2023
Table 4 Overview of shipment value of packaging materials and containers
Upper column: Shipment value in 100 million yen(¥)
Figures in ( ) shows composed ratio - %
Lower column: Comparison with previous year - %Table 5 Overview of shipment volume of packaging materials and containers
Upper column: Shipment volume in 1000 tons
Figures in ( ) shows composed ratio - %
Lower column: Comparison with previous year - %Table 6 Overview of production number and value of packaging machinery
Production value in 100 million yen(¥)
( ); Comparison with previous year %